Monday, October 14, 2013

Friday Night Lights- Theme & Summary

The theme of this book is that life isn’t always fair. It is is reflected in two ways. First, we see the example of Boobie Miles who has nothing if he doesn’t have football. His uncle L.V. taught the boy all he knew about football as he was growing up, telling in him that he was Heisman trophy material. As a result, Boobie didn’t know how to do anything else. His education was weak at best and there was nothing in his plans after high school. He ends up injuring his knee which ends his football career. Boobie  has to deal with this and work even harder in school now then he did on the football field. The second example is the football team. They worked so hard all season and they knew this had to be there year to win the championship. They end up losing in the state championship devastating the whole town but, they get over the loss and go back next season and win state.

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