Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Fahrenheit 451- Conversation with Guy Montag

Since Guy Montag is the main character in Farenheit 451 I would love to sit down and have a conversation with him. I would start the conversation by asking him how the world has changed since he was born. He would probably reply by saying not much has changed, even though I'm sure a lot has changed, it's just the government is brain washing people to believe it has'nt changed. I would then ask him about his wife Mildred and how the two of them are doing together. I think Montag would respond by saying that he thinks that they aren't truly in love anymore and they are almost like roomates now that who are not even good friends. Next, I would ask him about Clarisse and how she has impacted his life. He would reply by saying that she has completely changed his views on life and society. She has shown him that books should not be burned but read to gain knowledge about things that people should know about such as government or history. She shows him that he is not happy with his life and he can never lose that feeling of emptiness that she has planted in his mind. I would thank him for his time and tell him go out and find or do whatever he can to fill that emptiness. He would agree and politely shake my hand.

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