Sunday, September 29, 2013

Friday Night Lights- Book Recommendation

I think that this book is very interesting and has kept me reading so far. If I had to give it a rate put of 5 stars I would give it 4.5 stars. I think the author's characterization has been very good. I feel like I know the characters and every time I'm reading something about them i can picture them in my mind. I think this book is targeted towards sports fans or football fans that are in middle school or older. My book is about a high school football team in Texas that's city depends on the outcome of their season. They are expected to be good this year and the town had high hopes. If they do not live up to the expectations then the town will crumble. The genre of this book is a documentary.

1 comment:

  1. No pressure. No pressure. If the team looses their city is only going to die.
